Pork Before the Turkey (PBtT)
Parent Assistance Information and Sign Up
In order to ensure that this event runs smoothly and successfully, we need a team of approved adult volunteers to help assist with the logistics.
Duties/ Descriptions:Sign Up Form: |
Please read the descriptions of the help needed to make our Music Department's Pork before the Turkey fundraiser a success. After reading the description, please fill out the sign up form below
Thank you in advance for volunteering to help make our DSA Music Department fundraiser a success. Ticket/Money Collection - Collecting and organizing Returned Pork Tickets/Money.
Supplies - Pick up supplies (Foil Pans, Foil, Seasoning, Charcoal, Firewood, etc) Cook Preparation - Clean and season pork butts Fire - Tending to the Fire (throughout the night) to maintain the temperature. Wrapping pork butts in foil in the middle of the night. Pork Butt Pick Up - Help with wrapping pork butts in foil. Distribute and check off names at collection. Assist with clean up. |